October 26, 2007

The next step..

You're probably all aware of Radiohead's latest album, and the way it's changing the music industry (if not, check it out NOW and give 'em a few bucks to support the open future of music). I do believe this is the beginning of a revolution in the way we consume music, the way artists are (rightfully) compensated for their art and no longer have to sign all their rights over to a corporation.. but it's not going to happen on its own. ..And the next tiny step is now available for your support. Trent Reznor's latest work is as producer of Saul Williams' new album, and they're taking a page from the same book Radiohead did when it comes to its distribution: No record companies, and you choose to pay if you want. It's free, or you can donate $5 to the artists to support their work. The album is something pretty different in terms of its sound-- if you want some samples, check out Saul's MySpace. If it's something you like, or you just want to support this type distribution model, make your way over to the site, and punch in your credit card. Let's take the music back from the suits. These are exciting times indeed.


"The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! is the lovechild of me and Trent Reznor. I met Trent when he asked me to fill the opening slot of his European With Teeth tour. After only the 2nd show he asked if I might be down to collaborate on a song or album, whatever I saw fit. At the time we were both listening to the Kanye/Jon Brion collaborations and feeling like a cocktail of our two worlds would fare even more interesting…and harder. Since then, Trent Reznor has become the big brother I never had, offering his insight, expertise, and shared desire to fuck up the system while believing fully in the power of music and the intelligence of the masses. What we both first realized we had in common was a deep love of Public Enemy and their Bomb Squad production, which personally served as the backdrop of my adolescence and fueled the fire that matured my vision of the sort of artist I wanted to be..."

1 comment:

Jefferton said...

I want to give him money just for coming up with the name "NiggyTardust"